Friday 16 January 2009

Preliminary Exercise film...

This was the first part of coursework which we worked on. We did not plan this work very well andwe just go on with it with out thinking through. However we managed to finished it on time. We tried to use a lot of camera angles and tried to make it professional. During the filming every one in my group came up with an idea and we ether agreed or disagreed with the idea. I was mostly filming and tried to make the angles and the camera work as professional as possible but it was hard.

When it came to editing we tried to use some useful transitions, where we needed to make the work look good. Also the music was produced by us, which we edited into the film so it would flow with the action and motions. We thought it will be better if we edit an instrumental into the film to make it look and sound professional. We have split audio so that there will be no diagetic sound when the soundtarack is playing, which sound better.

The location we agreed with and used was at school. We didnt look at the lighting, props and make up in detail because is was our first movie.

We could have improved out work and have done better if we would have spend more time on planning the work, drawing it on the storyboard sheet where we could have looked at the angles we were going to use each scene we shot and analyse what we are doing. We could have used a tripod more often in the scenes because we didn't and at some point you could see the camera is unstable and shaky. Also we could have made our narrative and the dialogue a bit longer and straight to the point, so that the audience would understand what is actually going to in the short film.

Overall i think we have done a great job for our first movie. We tried to use a large variety of camera movements and angles creatively. I have learned a lot from this peliminary exercise which i could use for my courcework and improve on things that we havent included or were not accurate at some points.

Mirzo Y

1 comment:

Coxy said...

Overall, this particular piece of filming can be considered, in my opinion a sucsess. We suceeded in using a wide range of camera shots and angles and more importantly made sure they fitted the purpose of the story line. The music that is played throughout most of the clip was created by myself especially for this piece of filming and was used as it fitted in well with the tempo of the clip itself. We did have some slight issues filming a high angle shot at one point but overcame this by placing the camera on a high level shelf and had someone behind operating the movement and cuts. Overall a vast improvement on our first effort and a real achievment.