Monday 23 March 2009



Rachel, Lucy, Nikki and Dale said...

We like your use wipe cuts and use of different shot especailly the slow motion shot. We also liked the way that your non-digetic music faded in and out with the dialogue.

However we were slightly confused that the weather changed from snowing to sunny weather in the matter in seconds.

Well done! (please comment on our blog)

abbie&cat said...

Firstly, the establishing shot used was highly effective in establishing the setting of the film.
The close-up shot of the 'respect' hand gesture meant that the close relationship of the two characters was emphasised very clearly. This suggested some relevance to the storyline, genre and the rest of the film.
As you adhered to the 180 degree rule, the shot reverse shot was really subtle and emphasised the ease of conversation between the two characters. This allowed the piece to seem very realistic!
The continuity of the entire piece was very successful, as it flowed smoothly throughout. This meant that the film was easy to relate to because it allowed verisimilitude to continue.

One negative point about your film, we thought, was the editing. Although it was good to see some clear editing techniques used in the opening, the use of wipe shots meant that the film looked a little unrealistic.

Our favourite shot was the last one, where you used slow motion and a low angle shot. This was excellent! It was done so well and emphasised the character's superiority. It introduced the storyline of ambition and could easily have lead on into a feature length film from that shot.

Excellent work!
by cat and abbie

abbie&cat said...

Mirzo, Coxy and harrop, nice work lads! Some good camera angle but i especially like the birds eye view shot of coxy walking down the stairs. I liked the use of slow motion and close up shots to emphise the respect shown between Coxy and Mirzo. I also like the ending shot of the slow motion lay up, very nice.
But i dont understand how Mirzo ended up with a White hat when he doesnt have one at the start and also, who sleeps with a jumper and a pair of trackies on!
To maybe improve on your film, you could maybe tilt the camera on some of the basketball shots that mirzo takes to make it look more impressive, other than that i enjoyed whatching your film


abbie&cat said...

p.s We loved the music! It really emphasised the genre of the film and was really appropriate. It worked really well in suggesting the events of the day, when the character was waking up for example, the pace, first slow, then gradually faster as the characters started to move was perhaps reflective of their lifestyle.
by abbie and cat