Wednesday 22 April 2009

Evaluation of initial pratical task.

For our first piece of practical corsework we decided to make it upbeat and easy to watch. We used a wide range of camera angles and offered a very in depth view into the action. The first shot i am especially pleased with as it gives a very effective view of the two characters and the setting of the film.

The soundtrack we used was a track that i made personally and we all thought it set the mood of the representation very well as it is upbeat and is of a youthful genre and so fits the type of audience the film is aimed at.

We generally used very lilttle editing as the use of cut shot transitions was what we considered best as there are a large number of shots fitted into a short space of time.

We set the film in a school as this was a realistic setting for the type of film it is. We feel we could improve on this film by offering a wider range of sho types and lengths and to maybe experiment with different types of editing to improve the quality of the viewing and the dialog.

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