Tuesday 19 January 2010

Location and Setting

The location of this film was something we had to pay close attention to. We wanted to ensure people locally could engage with and still wanted the setting to suit the genre and purpose. Creating both of these effects is a difficult task and it took us a long while considering it. However, we did eventaully come up with a number of possibilities and eventually decided to set in and around the local housing estate. This meant we had to conider the realism of the mise-en-scene and ensure that whilst the characters looked appropriate in costume the audience are still under the impression that it is a real life situation.

We have also managed to gain permission from people in local community to use their property in our production as this will help ensure the trailer looks professional as well as enabling us to us a much wider range of camera shots. We are however going to ensure that no shot uses the same location twice as this will help to promote the film as an exciting prospect and hopefully appeal to a wider audience as a result.

In terms of the props we are going to use, there will be the use of mobile phones and cigerette lighters but other than this it will mainly just be the dialog and location that we are going to use to promote the film. I have seen this uded in many very successful advertising campaigns for films and more often than not it results in the film becoming very popular in cinemas and in merchandiseing.

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