Thursday 25 March 2010

Completion of Filming (planning and research)

Filming our teaser trailer has taken longer than expected though we feel the extra hours were well worth the effort as it has resulted in a much more thoroughly thought out, professional piece.

Midway through the filming process we were unfortunately inhibited by the weather as it was snowing for around a week. This would break the versimilitude of our film and wipe out the realism if one shot was dry and the very next snowy. So we felt it was a wiser decision to put in hold until the poor conditions subsided.

Another problem we found whilst filming was that the actors could not all participate on the same day. It proved bery challenging to actually find a day in which no-one was busy. However we took full advantage of these days by filming for hours on end, taking several shots on one thing and then later deciding which one to use in our teaser trailer.This tactic worked well as it meant we could experiment with different shots and not be bound to just one. On some of the shots it took a group vote to decide which one was the most effective.

Acquiring the props and renting out the camera and other equipment also took strong organizational skills. As well as this we asked a variety of people living on the estate that we were filming on to appear in our film as extras. Though they were not part of the original casting we believed they would add a strong authenticity to the film as they had a greater genuine understanding and knowledge of what life on the estates was like, through their own personal experience. Now that we are well into into the late stages of editing, we are comfortable that our piece shall be completed by the deadline set.

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