Tuesday 20 April 2010

Editing Analysis

The editing software was changed this year and therefore meant that the process was completly new to us. This however, was only small issue to overcome and the combined use of the Fruity Loops music technology meant that there was a definite improvement in the quality of the final result.

We tried to ensure that we created a montage effect that leave the audience in confusion as to what they had just seen. This would then lead to a mass nterest in the films narrative and genre producing a much higher profile for the film and its market.

The transitions used are generally the same ranging between fade to black and a simple cut to ensure the trailer is not to complicated in its approach. We also edited the light balance in many of the shots to create different effects to our own purposes such as creating darker scenes to procure deeper emotion.

Mixing the sound with the trailer was a difficult task as during priods of dialog we had to fade it in and out perfectly so as to keep each file audable. This meant literally having to mix the two together andraising the volume of each where appropriate.

If we had more time we would improve the order in whic we placed our shots. we found later that there were better ordrs in which the shots fitted but due to lack of time were unalble to do so.

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