Friday 30 April 2010

Evaluation of costume props and mise en scene

These elments are all integral to the reality of a production. It is generally thought to be important to simulate the situation you are producing realistically and make the audience believe that it really has happened. This is why we believed that we should dress our characters in a normal way but still maintain the link to genre. I feel we did this very effectively and what is happening on screen looks as if it really would happen on streets just like the ones the viewers would live on.

In terms of props we tried to limit this to the very minimum you would expect a youth in todays society to possess such as a mobil again to add to the reality. We did use a knife to provoke the thought of violence in the audiences mind and this then lead us to simulated aggression later in the trailer. We felt it important not to advertise actually using the knife as this is a very tender issue in Britain currently.

In terms of the chosen scenery we tried to ensure that each shot had a different location to create a sense of large scale drama that we desired. We have since been told that this is exactly what the trailer put across and that maybe we should alter the type of scene we base some of our shots in. To improve, this is what we would do.

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